Favorite Things: Irish Breakfast Tea

This is the first in a series I plan to periodically update, at least until I get tired of it. It’s just things I particularly like. If some of them are a little basic – well, so be it. A lot of them will be books, but I’m starting off with something else.


I drink a pretty good amount of tea, usually three tall mugs a day. I like a variety: chai, orange spice, cinnamon, green, lemon ginger, pomegranate, mint. The list goes on. I like black teas, green, and herbal. I drink it bagged or loose leaf. I have a favorite strainer, but plenty from which to choose. I often sweeten teas, usually with stevia, at times with honey, rarely with sugar.

IBTWhat I’m saying is I like me some tea. But there’s one I always go back to. Twining’s Irish Breakfast Tea.

There’s a lot I like about this tea. It’s strong but mellow. It has the body of other black teas, but it doesn’t have the bitterness of an English tea or especially the bergamot of an Earl Grey. Those are fine at times, and I don’t begrudge anyone who prefers them, but a smooth cuppa Irish tea with some cream (not milk) and a bit of sugar is a fine way to start a morning.

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